ILLIAM: Arabian Lo-Fi King

Who is ILLIAM?

ILLIAM is a Palestinian rap artist that originally came from space and has gifted us with his smooth word play and punch lines within his artistic work.

Inspired by his brother, he has made effort into entering the Arabian Hip Hop scene and has done relatively well for himself when it comes to building a cult following.

Although ILLIAM has not self-defined himself using any particular label (nor should he), at this time, he has shown to be one of the most interesting sounds when it comes to the Lo-Fi genre of Hip Hop. By using his unique flows and incorporating the Arab language within a Lo-Fi setting, he has shown to be a successful sound when it comes to a younger Arabian generation.

Why you should care:

ILLIAM has expressed in one of his most notable songs Lies, that he and his generation of young Arab rappers are making something new. Something perhaps revolutionary when it comes to the Arabian music scene. Calling out traditional Arabian artists such as Nancy Ajram, he expresses that it's time to do something new. Deviating away from classical sounds has always been the effort of modern Arab artists. With talents such as ILLIAM's, we might just see something from outer space after all. 

ILLIAM on True Music:

ILLIAM: Arabian Lo-Fi King ILLIAM: Arabian Lo-Fi King Reviewed by True Music Media on November 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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