Palestinian Merchandise:
Merchandise regarding the Palestinian identity has always existed but even more strongly after the 1948 Nakba. With 7.2 million Palestinian refugees over the world, the sense of national belonging continues to grow year over year with more Palestinians being born outside of their culture.
In addition to keeping the culture strong through maintaining family receipts, artwork, and music within the household, Palestinians look towards clothing as a symbol that proudly reminds them where they are from.
Refugees have always looked towards various types of sources for obtaining Palestinian merchandise. From family members or friends of relatives who had contact with someone in Palestine to art conventions (معرض فلسطيني) held in neighboring countries (Generally organized by the refugees within the neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Jordon, and Syria). There was always a way to get ahold of Palestinian Olive Oil, Za'atar (Thyme), and Swag!
The Pali Roots Difference:
The company approaches a youthful audience with it's various collaborations with social media influencers, where product awareness is executed seamlessly. Upon your initial introduction to the brand, you are soon after intrigued by its humanitarian efforts.
Through safe and ethical production, Pali Roots uses its high quality products to give back to the Palestinian community and people around the world who face extreme hardship. From the PaliRoots Meal Program to the PaliRoots Funding Projects, the company aims to add purpose to every purchase. To learn more about the company's charity programs please visit:
MENA Fashion:
Reviewed by True Music Media
January 26, 2022
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